SSP Reading club #2: Fanon and Camus
- Online:
- Physically: AUC 3.01
Tuesday 12 November 2024 from 12:45h to 13:45h we will get together1 to discuss the work of two authors:
- The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon: chapter 1 “Concerning violence” (± 72 pages) link
- Algerian Chronicles by Albert Camus, “Preface” (± 7 pages) and “The Nobel Prize Press Conference Incident” (± 2 pages) link
We believe that by reading and discussing these texts, we are simultaneously staying close to the original crisis that led to the formation of SSP, while at the same time recognizing that this crisis is happening in a larger historical and contemporary context of decolonization and armed struggle.2